
the baths

It’s become quite humorous embarrassing around here, how long the girls have gone without a regular bath routine. I’m trying to count the total number of real baths they’ve had since they were born… I think we’re almost to ten, after tonight. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not a dirty family or anything. It’s just so hard with the sistesrs.

First of all, they go to bed early. That way, I can serve dinner with two free hands (praise Him). Then there are the three other kids’ hygiene to consider. Those boys can get stinky. Also, the sisters are still so tiny – not at all sturdy in a sitting position. And lastly… good grief, there’s two of them. We tried bathing them with Ames a few months back. It was unsuccessful, to say the least. Instead, we’ve just stuck to wet-rag-wipe-downs during diaper changes.

I’ve grown accustomed to the idea that raising twins is always going to be different. There are some routines I’ll have to sacrifice, things that just sort of pop up along the way. Like meeting a friend for lunch with the girls. At this stage, it’s hard to be outnumbered in public. Or rocking a baby to sleep. When one girl finishes eating, it’s time for the other girl to have a turn. And if they nurse in tandem, they’re most certainly not snuggling. They’re too busy trying to poke each other’s eyes out.

I’m figuring bath time is just another one of those things that is different for us. But tonight, I forced the issue. The girls fed themselves some dinner and were in obvious need of some soapy assistance. I warned Chris about the caterwauling that ensued a few nights ago, when I tried to bathe them in the sink. My lack of motivation has come back to bite us… the sisters are not fans of the water. We definitely have some work to do before a summer full of pool visits!

Chris volunteered to get in the bath with them. Ames offered his help, too. He loves a good bath party. The girls each screamed during their first few minutes, but they eventually quieted down. When it was time to switch, I dried and dressed Isaiah Jane and left her in her crib. I came back to the bathroom to retrieve Honor…

She was so peaceful, so relaxed. She was cuddling! Ames kept sloshing around and giving her kisses on her head. Chris looked up at me with realization. He even said it out loud, “I don’t get to do this often.”
I managed to pry her out of his arms and headed for the nursery, leaving him to bathe Ames. When I got to the girls’ room, I found Lucas. He had tucked Isaiah Jane in, and he was kneeling down so that he could see her through the crib. He whispered to her, something about how pretty she was. She reached through the slats and touched his face. I just about died. We’ve been having a rough time with the eldest, and it was such a beautiful and redemptive way to end the night.
I’ve seen other parents’ photos of smiles and bubbles and towels. I’ve read what a nightly bath can do for a baby’s sleep. I’ve smelled that deliciously warm, freshly cleaned skin. I can only hope tonight becomes a regular ritual in the Kincaid household!

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  • Reply allie January 24, 2012 at 10:59 PM

    You’re so brave! Even with Henry bathing him regularly as a baby was tricky. And he’s the only child!

  • Reply Sandra Kohlmann January 24, 2012 at 11:29 PM

    That photo is just incredible. Honor sure loves her daddy! I promise that baths will get easier. We did frequent baths when our girls were little, but it was hellish until about a year. Then it got better. Now they are eager to have a bath after supper, which is followed by snuggling, a little soymilk and then they’re ready for sleep. We don’t have any other kids to contend with, so I know we don’t have the same challenges, but either way, it will get easier to make baths part of the evening routine.

  • Reply Hope January 24, 2012 at 11:38 PM

    Beautiful!! I loved taking showers with Harley the first 9 or so months of her life.

    • Reply emily January 25, 2012 at 12:02 AM

      Rachel, this post is so beautiful!
      I’m in the same boat – our only bath is a big old jacuzzi so reaching over to bathe my 13 month old when I was 8 months pregnant wasn’t an option, so I climbed in with her, and now, I do it EVERY.TIME.
      Now that I’m not pregnant I don’t NEED to, but I love love love it. And it helps that we bathe her once or twice a week max ;)

  • Reply Carly January 24, 2012 at 11:40 PM

    That picture is so precious. Glad you guys had that sweet moment.

  • Reply Mama Mandolin January 25, 2012 at 12:31 AM

    Dude. We never bathe the boys. I’ve been the one doing it since they were born. I just feel so out numbered and they hate when I pour water on their heads and then it just turns into crying/fits/both trying to drown themselves. They are terrified to shower with us. It’s pretty much hopeless. So, they get bathed like once a week. TWICE if I’m feeling motivated. We don’t really go anywhere, and they get washed down with cloths every night. Whatever. I’m ok with having the stinky kids. They’re still cool.

  • Reply Jess Judkins January 25, 2012 at 12:43 AM

    It may be because I am all emotional with Scott being out of town…but this picture made me cry. Its seriously the sweetest thing. The comfort of our Father is ingrained so deeply in us.

  • Reply Bettina January 25, 2012 at 3:33 AM

    Love your honesty, and what a precious moment with Lucas, thanks for sharing.

  • Reply Jenny Lynn January 25, 2012 at 6:17 AM

    It is tough!! I really want to bathe the boys every night because they smell so sweet and sleep so well! But it’s hard to do the whole routine twice! Any nights that grandparents are here visiting are definitely bath nights! They love giving the boys a bath and I take full advantage of that :)

  • Reply Kelly January 25, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    i love this. and, that sweet picture is just priceless. i find bath routine hard, and i only have one! ha.

  • Reply Lilac January 25, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    Bah! With just one to deal with I only really bathed him if he got stinky or crunchy. I never really felt like he needed a bath until he started solids and smeared food all over himself. Until then, I just spot-cleaned whatever seemed to have gotten goo on it at the time. :-)

  • Reply Jessica January 25, 2012 at 7:47 PM

    I love how you celebrate these sweet moments. Motherhood can be tough and tiring (and I can’t imagine twins!), but you always seem so positive and encouraging! I’ve felt God tugging on my heart to celebrate over my family the way He celebrates over His children. This is such a perfect example!

  • Reply Anonymous January 25, 2012 at 9:32 PM

    Ten baths in nine months? Sorry, but that is absolutely disgusting.

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