
happy monday & memorial day & mother’s day

To all of you who have lost a loved one for the sake of our country, thank you. I hope you know what an important and honorable sacrifice that was (and is). Happy Memorial Day to you families who have given up the ultimate kind of freedom, so that we can enjoy ours as a nation.

I’ll leave you with two more things on this Monday…

1) I know I mentioned attending BlogHer this year, and it’s still a goal someday. But recently, another conference has grabbed ahold of my heart. I am now making every possible effort to attend The Influence Conference in October. If you are interested in advertising with us or shopping from our closets, please know that your money will go directly to getting me to Indianapolis this fall. I certainly appreciate your support in making this dream real.

2) I know it’s belated, but… I spent Mother’s Day in the beautifully misty mountains of North Carolina, and I wanted to share a few photos. My baby brother graduated from Appalachian State University, in my dad’s footsteps. Congratulations, Tyler!

Dress: a skirt, thrifted
Cardigan sweater: Gap
Butterfly belt: my grandmother’s
Shoes: Dolce Vita, TJ Maxx


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  • Reply Christopher Kincaid May 28, 2012 at 12:46 PM

    Wow, that first picture is stunning. Nice work…

    • Reply rachael May 30, 2012 at 10:08 PM

      Oh, I’m sorry… What’s yours is yours. CHRISTOPHER TOOK THE FIRST PHOTO :)

  • Reply JDaniel4's Mom May 29, 2012 at 5:02 PM

    We just drove by ASU on our way home today. What a pretty area!

  • Reply Jennifer May 29, 2012 at 8:43 PM

    How cute is your Grandma??? No wonder you’re petite. My Grandma’s little too and I figure I am lucky to have made it to 5’3″! You knew you were growing up when you were taller than Grandma, which happened when I was 9 ;)

    • Reply rachael May 30, 2012 at 10:07 PM

      We three are the ONLY small women in our entire family. Crazy, huh? My grandmother & mother both shrank after kids, so I’m preparing for the worst :/

  • Reply Stephanie May 30, 2012 at 9:39 PM

    Nice bag!

    • Reply rachael May 30, 2012 at 10:06 PM

      Hehe, thanks! Took me long enough :)

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