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Little man, we are mere weeks away from meeting you.

I cannot believe it.
A lot has happened in the last few weeks…
I started my new job on the Child/Adolescent Inpatient Unit @ Behavioral Health.
It feels so right, and I am so thankful for the opportunity.
I’m trying to get all of my orientation hours in before you arrive – it’s crunch time!
We went to the beach a few weekends ago with our best friends in the world.
We stayed in a house on the sound @ Ocean Isle, and it was glorious.
This past Saturday, your daddy sent me on an adventure.
He left me these notes, complete with instructions & addresses via email on my iPhone.
Inside each envelope, there was a picture (the boys were in on this) and Christopher’s sweet words related to each location…
I got a chocolate & banana smoothie here:
I got my nails done here (Manicure – OPI, Hopelessly In Love; Pedicure – OPI, At Your Quebec and Call):
I got my first-ever facial here:
When I returned home, teary-eyed from all of the love and pampering he’d put me through, he was waiting for me with one last envelope… there was a box of beautiful stationary (he’d affirmed my gift with words and asked me to keep writing him notes) and a card that read, “Will you have dinner with me?” When we arrived @ RuSan’s, my family was there waiting to have dinner with us! Needless to say, my beloved husband orchestrated one mama’s afternoon to remember. How amazing is your papa, Ames?!
My sweet friends from nursing school threw you a tea party @ Amelie’s this past Sunday. It was so beautiful, and of course they showered you with gifts! There were little onesies made out of scrapbook paper, on which people wrote notes. They’re going up on your bedroom walls very soon! I had a blast.
I ordered my birth kit, per Damaris’ instruction. I have to have all of my supplies ready for her visit next week… this means you’re actually going to be born. EEEEKK!!
I love you, little man. Thanks for being so sweet these last several months…

31 Weeks…AUGUST 2009

Well, little man… you certainly seem excited to come! At our last visit, your head was so low, Damaris could barely feel it through my belly. She couldn’t wiggle it back and forth, either. Hopefully, it’s a precious SMALL head… don’t you wanna make things nice and easy for Mama?
We celebrated you at Heidi’s house a couple of weeks ago. She hosted a beautifully simple drop-in luncheon, and I got to spend time with each guest…so special. I chowed down on curried chicken and chocolate-covered strawberries. You received lots of blessings, too. There were cute burpies and blankets, clothes and cloth diapers, bath essentials, and a precious picture Bible. Your daddy and I are excited to teach you about Jesus, and what He did for you.
I’ve been building your diaper stash.
I buy 1 or 2 a week (<$20 total) from other mamas online.
I’m excited about wearing you lots, too. Your infant seat (bought on CharlotteMommies) is a bit awkward to lug around!
It’s kind of funny to think that we won’t be bringing you home from the hospital in a carseat or a cute outfit… you’ll already be at home!
Back to the babywearing: we’ve acquired a Moby Wrap and a BabyHawk.
We found one of these @ Once Upon a Child, so we can go on walks with you in your carseat.
According to my early ultrasound and my fundal height (done with a tape measure), I’m about 33 weeks. However, I’m sticking with the dates I know best, which puts us at 31 weeks. Either way, you’re going to be here before we know it! I think we’re pretty much ready… I still need to replace some parts on the breast pump a friend gave me, and there are a few small things to get together. But when it comes down to it, all you need is something to cover your bum and food to eat, and I’ve got both waiting for you! Take your time, though…
Here are a few pictures from our family trip to Chimney Rock & Asheville this past weekend. We mined for gems, tubed down the Green River, and ate @ Mayfel’s (Chris loves the meatloaf). We also got to spend some time with your great-grandparents, Nina & Papa!
I love you, sweet boy.
We have something special, you and I…
and I haven’t even gotten my hands on you yet.


These are from our shoot with Elizabeth & Megan @ Almond Leaf Studios a couple of weeks ago. They were so sweet to us on their blog, where the rest of the pictures can be viewed.

Hey, sweet boy… Can you believe we have only 10 weeks until you’re considered full-term? And even now, everything is fully formed and ready to go (though I don’t recommend it; you can stay in there and cook as long as you’d like). It just feels like time is flying by.

During Damaris’ last visit, she felt all of your little body parts; you’re head-down!
This is very exciting. Delivering you breech might have been a bit uncomfortable…not to mention the healthcare-provider pickle it would have put us in, since Damaris is licensed by the state under certain limitations and cannot deliver breech babies at home. It’s fun to appreciate even the little things!
So you’re head-down, but your position is “Left Occiput Posterior” right now. This is probably why my back has been hurting so badly! I’ve been doing some stretches and exercises to encourage you to turn to a more favorable position… I hope it’s working, but you’ve got plenty of time. Meanwhile, is there any way you could stop playing with your feet so much? I’m sleeping on so many pillows at night, I might as well be sitting up! Every time I lie down, you seem to slide up under my ribs and tap dance. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far…
I’ve ordered the fabric for your nursery from SewMamaSew…I plan on making curtains, as well as covering one side of the white crib bumper that your Auntie April gave us. Here’s the print:
You were not in the picture back then, but I almost failed out of the fashion design program @ Meredith College during my freshman year. So wish me luck; I really want to make some of your things on my own… eventually I’d like to try my hand at fitted cloth diapers! But we’ll start easy.
And here is a picture of my old crib, which will soon be yours. The walls are called “City Chartreuse” and we plan on adding lots of fun touches, mostly artwork from friends. Of course, we had to add a Florida Gator touch to your crib, as well as a bird from Auntie Nicole!
I love you, Ames. You have brought me so much joy already. I cannot imagine how much more fun we will have together when you’re here. See you soon, my little prince. Stay warm in there.

24 WEEKS – JULY 2009

We’re almost 25 weeks, baby boy…

The girls told me I needed to go ahead and get this out.
I found my first stretch marks this week.
Okay, so they’re not official yet. But I can see them just a-stretchin’ under my skin,
and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet!
I’ve heard some interesting names for them…
Battle scars, war wounds, marks of motherhood.
Just know that by the time you come,
I’ll have gotten used to this body.
And I promise I won’t be upset with you :)
Next week, you and I are going to get fancied up and take
some pictures with Megan from Almond Leaf Studios.
They had a contest on their blog,
and the winner was to receive a free belly photo shoot.
All you had to do was email them with a creative idea for a location.
I simply said, “I’d like to shoot at my house,
because that’s where I’m going to have my son.”
Apparently, it sparked some interest. We won, Ames!
I’m excited. It’ll be fun.
Your daddy & I also became iPhone owners this week. This is a huge deal for us, as Chris has been drooling for one since they came out 2 years ago. I’m not going to lie…it was really hard for me to spend that money! But your dad earned it. He worked hard on a freelance project, and I wanted him to be able to spend some of it on himself (which happened to include me too – thanks, love!). Those tiny machines are seriously life-changing! Tonight I used it to film you moving around in my belly. I think you knew I was watching, “So You Think You Can Dance.”
Lastly, I’m moving forward with my nursing degree. I was offered a position with a home health agency last week, and I took it! I’m a little nervous…private duty nurses have a lot of autonomy, and there aren’t managers and other nurses to look out for me and keep me straight. But I’m jumping in and trusting that it’s what God has for me right now, and I’m excited to see what develops over these next few weeks.
That’s it for now, my love. You and I are hitting up a cloth diaper party on Friday. Hopefully, Sunshine is going to join us. She’s interested in learning, so she can take soft care of your little bottom when she hangs out with her first grandson!
Can’t wait to put these dipes on you.
Can’t wait to touch your fingertips, either…
I love you, Ames Emmanuel.

22 WEEKS, JUNE 2009

I’ve been pretty pitiful lately, little one. I caught a cold (in the 90-degree heat), and I had a hard time breathing through my nose for 2 weeks. I also developed some pretty crazy styes in my eyes (gross, I know), so I had to wear my glasses more often. Lastly, the leg cramps have hit me full force. They only come at night, when I point my toes in my sleep. But they wake me up and make me holler! Chris actually thought I was in labor the other night. Phew!

I’m getting bigger everyday, and of course, that’s a little hard to deal with. But Damaris lets me stand on the scale backwards, and I always manage to put decent outfits together so I don’t feel too hideous. I actually bought a tankini top the other day! Little do you know, Ames, but your momma never wears tankinis. You’re getting bigger, too. I actually felt you move on both sides of my tummy the other day. During Damaris’ last visit, she felt your head up by the left side of my ribs, and your butt down by my right hip. You are making the most of your little space, sprawling out diagonally!

We’ve decided to cloth diaper you, and boy, has that been an adventure! We’ve decided to go with prefolds, fitteds, and contours for now. Those are all soft cloth fabrics that we’ll wrap you up in, and put a cover over. I hope you aren’t one of those crazy babies with daily soak-throughs and blow-outs! But if you are, we’ll figure something out. I’ve become a little CD-crazy, always looking at fun prints and good deals online.
I love you, son.
I can’t wait to hold you and kiss that spot between your lips and nose.


18 WEEKS – JUNE 2009

My nausea has finally subsided (knock on wood)! Thanks for that, little man. Life is so much more pleasant when I can eat a meal without plugging my nose and holding back my dry heaves. Your daddy actually enjoys breaking bread with me now!
We saw my belly move for the first time! I’ve felt you for a couple of weeks now, but you did a little dance the other morning, and Chris sat up just in time to see it. I’ll admit, it was a little weird and alien-like. But I enjoyed it, nonetheless! I’d love it if you enjoy dance as much as I do…and while we’re at it, being musically-inclined would score some major points with your daddy. But I’m not making any requests, I promise! You are allowed to be whomever you want to be, and we’re excited to watch you develop your skills and interests.
The midwife who is going to deliver you comes to our house for visits. How cool is that?! You’ll hopefully never know the bright lights and cold instruments of the L&D unit at the hospital, unless it’s visiting me at work when I finally get a nursing job. By the way, I passed boards! I’m officially an RN, and I took the test with you wiggling around inside of me. Anyway, we’re moving ahead with plans to have you at home, maybe even in the water…you can pick the location when it’s time.
And lastly, I want to show you a picture of what you look like this week…inside me, that is. This is the most beautiful I’ve felt thus far, and I owe all of that to you. Thank you, dear one.

16 WEEKS – MAY 2009

I can’t believe it.
The technician let us figure it out…you took awhile to show us, but you finally stretched out and we saw your unmentionables.


We always knew we were naming you Ames, after my Papa, but it took us awhile to come up with a middle name…

We’re back from our cruise! It was amazing! We’ll show you lots of pictures when you get older. Your daddy took lots of them.
We ate all day every day…and played trivia, saw live entertainment, got massages, and did I mention VISIT BERMUDA?
We were there for 2 days, so Chris and I got a bus pass. We rode all over the island, and we even took a ferry ride one morning.
It was technically our honeymoon, and we made the most of it. Chris can’t wait to take another trip like that, when you’re earthside.
Upon our return, we spent a Saturday morning at the flea & produce market. I bribed Chris with Bojangles, and he was up and out of bed in no time (you and I wake up fairly early each morning).
While we waited to place our order @ Bojangles, Chris was taken by a cute little boy standing behind us in line. His skin was dark, his eyes huge, and he looked to be about 10 years old. He was flapping a dollar bill back and forth, so Chris asked, “What are you getting?” He pointed up at the cinammon rolls in the case and said, “One of those.” When it was our turn, Chris added 2 cinammon rolls to our order. He told the boy to save his dollar. The kid looked surprised, but he said “Thank you.”
Once the food was ready, Chris handed him the rolls and said, “Here you go. By the way, kid, what’s your name?” The boy looked us in the eyes and said, “Emmanuel.”
And that settled it. It had been a favorite of mine for months, but we weren’t sure until then.
And suddenly, we were.
You are Ames Emmanuel.
Ames means, “friend” and Emmanuel, “God with us.”
I pray that you will grow into a kindhearted man, and that you will always know the intimacy of the Father. You are our son, but you are His too. I can’t wait to share that with you.