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politics & leadership

2022 community health & wellness politics & leadership

November 9, 2022

Two years ago, I put my name in the hat for a position at large on the medical executive committee at work, just so I could learn the ropes and meet the people. The voting ended up taking forever, and I mean forever. Where it was supposed to take ten minutes as part of the regular meeting, the vote went for two hours or so. Everyone sat there fumbling through recounts because things were split over a few names, one of which was mine. I didn’t win, but I was more embarrassed about sitting there during the delayed debacle then I was about not having a seat at a table I didn’t even know existed yet. A bunch of docs suggested rank choice voting for the next election, and it’s been groaned and laughed about at most meetings since.

Tonight was the annual medical staff meeting, with a nice dinner and also another experience with electing medical officers. This time, however, I didn’t run for anything. In my current role, I’m at a few tables already. I get the exposure and experience and influence I hoped for from the beginning. I know the doctors and have the community I longed for.

Instead, I voted along with the rest of them, with anticipation and confidence. And this time, we were truly done in ten minutes. I doubt anyone even remembered that I was the reason for their election-that-would-not-end two years ago.

2022 politics & leadership

November 8, 2022

Election Day! Election Day! I never vote early if I can help it. I also honk for every person holding a sign on a street corner on this day. I don’t care which candidate or party you’re repping; I’m just happy you’re out here exercising your right and civic duty alongside me. It’s Election Day!

2022 health & wellness politics & leadership

October 22, 2022

We’ve been trying to sound the alarm for years. Violence against healthcare workers has increased at an alarming rate, and now it’s at an all-time high. Nearly half of all nurses in the United States have experienced physical assault on the job, and nearly three-fourths of us are regularly verbally assaulted. Healthcare workers are now diagnosed with clinical PTSD at a similar rate as active-duty military personnel. The pandemic simply exposed and exacerbated that which was slowly and steadily boiling beneath the surface.

And now two more of us are dead, and I’m not sure how else to feel except for scared and angry.

2022 politics & leadership

October 18, 2022

There are days like today when I try to tell my boss it feels like the hardest day of my career. And then he reminds me I received an Immediate Jeopardy tag just a few weeks after becoming a nursing home administrator, and we made it through. Not only that, but we appealed and fought and got the citation overturned.

There are hard days, and there will be harder days, and there have been harder days. It’s all relative, I guess, and orientation is everything.

2022 politics & leadership

October 12, 2022

There is a cost to leadership.

Often, people express their frustration or hurt feelings with me and I think if you only knew the backstory or if you only knew my heart. Instead I say things like, Thanks for trusting me with this. I value you. I’m sorry.

It is worth it.