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books & things

2022 books & things community life in alaska life lately

October 25, 2022

A day of firsts…

Snowflakes fell on our home in the morning, heralding of winter’s approach.

Flu season made its debut with an inaugural community case diagnosed in the emergency room.

My daughters secured library cards, checking out books only to devour their haul on the way home.

Mom and Dad went for a walk before bed and made out in the rain (and under the house).

2022 books & things community

October 6, 2022

Tonight, I joined a book club. There will be one one main book per month, and another on the side. There will be animated chatter and talking with hands, and tiny juice glasses with wine, and gluten-free snacks, and slippers for when we remove our shoes upon entry. If tonight was a glimpse, there will be phrases like reflective journey and the science of birds and racial reconciliation and so, so much laughter. What a beautiful life I get to live.

2022 books & things marriage

August 11, 2022

Tonight, I read aloud from Go Set a Watchman as my husband got ready for bed. As he climbed in and nestled in next to me, I realized that getting that man interested in my favorite lit selections is toward the top of the list of romantic things that happen between us.

2022 books & things life in alaska life lately

August 9, 2022

I bolted out of work just after lunch, grabbing a coworker on the way to my car. We scooped up the kids and headed straight for the harbor, where the Yale Whiffenpoofs had set up for a quick concert in our amphitheater on their hometown tour. I was back in time for my next meeting, and the whole thing was just as magical and sweet as our Gilmore Girls experience told us it would be. We love you, Richard Gilmore. We love you, Homer, Alaska.