community life lately motherhood

at the end of thirty-one days


We’re practically into the middle of November, and I’m just now processing the #31days series. Time never seems to stop long enough for me grab something like that and look at it for a long time. I don’t feel like I’ve been able to hold the process in my hands, to treasure the things He gave me last month. But I’m trying to slow down and do that now. Better late than never, right?

This series, this exercise of writing so much and so often, stretched me in ways I could not imagine. It provoked me, it agitated me, it stirred something in my heart. It helped me fall more in love with my kids, and it challenged me to grow that love in new ways. It forced me to take a look at my life, my routines and rhythms, in a new light. It showed me what I do well, and where I could improve. It asked me to make decisions, to place boundaries and priorities in my life. It reminded me that I am capable. It reminded me that I am called. It inspired me to reach out to fellow mamas in new ways, and it gave me a confidence to do so. This #31days series absolutely, undoubtedly changed my life. For that, I am grateful.

I’m going to take what I learned last month and do something with it. I have no idea what that means and I’m not sure what the next step is, but in the meantime… keep up the good work. Keep being vulnerable and life-giving, with each other and myself. Thanks for traveling this journey with me. Y’all are pretty unbelievable.

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