life lately marriage

A date night mix.

The details aren’t important, but what is important is that I keep this blog real and raw and vulnerable in a way that speaks life and hope. And y’all, there wasn’t a lot of life or hope to be found in the conversations with my husband in the last few weeks. Chris and I are coming up for air after a beautifully rough season. Marriages ebb and flow, I know, and the hard stuff doesn’t scare me. But dang, there are some moments. I’m not talking about the moments that make you want to throw in the towel or anything extreme like that. I’m talking about the moments when you’re too tired to talk. The moments when you know you should jump in and help, but you don’t. The moments when you keep score and worse, do it out loud. Like I said, the hard stuff doesn’t scare me. But the moments were there and I was there and it was all really hard.

So we did something about it. I talked and he listened. Then he talked and I listened. And then we went out on a date, and it took me a few songs before I realized he’d made me a mixed cd for the trip. I know we’ll bump up against a season like this again. Who knows? Maybe sooner than later. But I’ve got this date night mix, and I’m grateful to be living the hard moments and fighting for love with a man who takes the time to make me one.


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  • Reply christina q January 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    I’m so inspired by you sharing this and being so beautifully honest about your marriage. Relationships take hard work and are never perfect – thanks for not pretending otherwise.


    • Reply Rachael Kincaid February 14, 2014 at 11:13 PM

      I could never pretend. That is for absolute sure. I love watching the progress, so it’s important to document the hard parts, too.

  • Reply Amy February 4, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the good and bad. Sometimes life is so hard.

    • Reply Rachael Kincaid February 14, 2014 at 11:12 PM

      I’m honored to do it!

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